The Smart Set is an online magazine covering culture and ideas, arts and science, global and national affairs — everything from literature to shopping, medicine to sports, philosophy to food. Named for the turn-of-the-century literary magazine edited by H.L. Mencken and George Nathan, The Smart Set strives to present big ideas on the small, the not-so-small, and the everyday.

We publish high-quality writing and photography in a broad range of genres including reportage, personal and critical essays, travel writing, memoirs, and stories. The Smart Set is an independent magazine, generously supported by the Pennoni Honors College at Drexel University.


The Smart Set is published for people who enjoy reading and enjoy thinking about what they read. The Smart Set feels that what unites its readers is their intellectual curiosity, and this cuts across age, gender, income, and education level.

Managing Editor: Erica Levi Zelinger

Graphic Designer: Felicia Wolfer

Assistant Editor: Joni David

Editor: Melinda Lewis, PhD

Publisher: The Pennoni Honors College, Drexel University

Founding Editor: Jason Wilson

Founding Art Director: Diane Pizzuto

Support The Smart Set

As an initiative of Drexel University, a 501c3 nonprofit, your contribution to support The Smart Set could be tax-deductible. Check back here for information on how to support TSS with a directed donation to Drexel, or e-mail us at

The Smart Set is seeking potential advertising partners and sponsors. For more information on our capabilities, as well as advertising rates and our media kit, please contact

Contact us

The Smart Set
Drexel University
3301 Arch Street
Bentley Hall Annex
Philadelphia, PA 19104