Comments on: The Status of the Book in the Age of Digital Media A magazine of arts & culture from Drexel University Thu, 10 Nov 2022 15:26:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Adam Weinberger Fri, 01 Jul 2022 14:22:09 +0000 Question: I am an ABAA dealer and we are required to provide accurate descriptions and stand by them. I’m not sure who sold the Dickens but you state “ Sadly, I would later discover that some of the front covers of the pamphlets had been replaced”. Was this not properly disclosed as required by our organization? If not, you should have right to a return. And if it was disclosed properly as required, perhaps it is not best to unfairly cast blame on the seller

By: Larkin Vonalt Thu, 30 Jun 2022 12:55:41 +0000 I believe you have some serious misunderstandings about the Book Fair, book collectors, and collectible books. Additionally, the painting you’ve showcased is not by John Lennon, no was it represented as being so. Mr. Lennon was murdered in 1980.

By: David Goodfellow Tue, 28 Jun 2022 14:58:38 +0000 And yet, the biggest market for books is a young one, while Kindles languish in the hands of the middle-aged. It is true that books today have acquired an aura that only rare once once did, but they aren’t going away.
If books were invented today,they would represent a major breakthrough. Need no devices to be read. Consume no energy and can be read anywhere, especially in sunlight. Can be annotated with a pen or pencil. Infinitely portable and accessible. Persist for decades and centuries. Need I go on?

By: Paul D. Van Pelt Tue, 28 Jun 2022 11:30:50 +0000 I find the notion of books as antiquities about as sensical as conscious, sentient machinery. Let’s turn history around for a New York minute. Suppose the concept, ‘book’, had never emerged? Moreover, the act of written language? Both contingencies could then have never have contributed to the heap of things which led to civilization of societies. Seems to me, it follows that digital media could likewise never been emergent, much less contemplated. This, of course, is a fictitious and separate reality. We still have books. Some people still know how to write their own name, although the fifteen-year-old son of a dear friend struggled with cursive and may never be proficient. Why? Because he does not need to. This might, could encourage us to think again, instead of thinking only anew. Be careful what you wish for.

By: Bazz Tue, 28 Jun 2022 05:37:42 +0000 I see your are from a University. Ask the Library how much Academic Publishers price their e Journals.
And this is Government funded research. And in Public Libraries e-publishers only allow several borrowings and then the library has to re-buy the e-book!!!

By: Bazz Tue, 28 Jun 2022 05:03:46 +0000 JFK’s archive has a fraudulent Teletext message that in essence says “ Lets go to Vietnam” It was discovered to be a fraud because the typeface was not used on the Teletext machines till after his death!!!!

What do you think Trump would do with his criminal activities in the White House???

Amazon e-Books had a vexatious client – they STOLE THE BOOKS SHE HAD BOUGHT AND SAID read the Rules that you accepted by pressing “I Accept” – Now that is Totalitarianism and you don’t have to leave USA!!!

WORD, PDF and other formats are proprietorial are the generous for ever!!!

By: bazz Tue, 28 Jun 2022 04:38:25 +0000 The problem of Digital Content is that it has Baggage that is Publisher, Operating System and Storage Dependent. Somewhat reminisent of an umbiligal cord that is attached FOR FRIGGING EVER to it.
Australian Uni did an experiment in 1969 on the Moon and it was never analysed till the 2000’s. People had to come out of retirement to fix long not used computers ( from a Museum) just to study the paper tape ( LIKE old tiker tape)
The Rossetta stone did not change for 2500 years. and was still readable. Try using windows 95 — a hundred tims less today and see what you get.
